Please use the button to download this professional appraisal of the South Pacific Management Ltd "Malekula Famlets Package.
This FULLĀ pack PDF of 137 pages includes...
- Appraisal of package of 10 farmlets, one company registration, and up to 2 Vanuatu permanent residency visas. (53-pages)
- Plans of proposed development (5 pages)
- Contract and Agreements (25 pages)
- Letters of Support & Confirmation (5 pages)
- Titles (11 pages).
- Proposed Irrigation Plan (2 pages)
- Citizenship and Passport information (7 pages)
- Vanuatu Maps (13 pages)
- Property Photographs (16 pages)
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e: t: +61 417 007 792 or use the Skype button at the bottom of this page.