Expat Expert Course
Expat Expert Course
A short course designed to bring you up to speed on the Vanuatu scene... especially providing background to assist with making the decision to invest in this vibrant Pacific country and its happy people.
Expat Expert course overview
The Republic of Vanuatu is a young and vibrant country, full of smiling people.
In our opinion it’s a great place to invest, do business, to live, or just to holiday. Yes, there are a few problems that are typical of third-world countries trying to “catch up” but it is notable that the government and community leaders of Vanuatu are making a sincere effort to choose only the “best of the west” and not also import the problems endemic in western societies.
So far they appear to be succeeding, despite the challenges of the geophysical location (volcanoes and cyclones) shared with most of the Pacific Rim of Fire countries. The people and leaders of Vanuatu have an entrepreneurial “can do” attitude, and they are always looking to learn new things and better ways. The majority of adults (and many children) have at least one mobile phone – and they love using their smartphones to keep up with the world inside and outside of the country.
The society is underpinned by their holding tight to a Christian lifestyle, and it’s not uncommon to see groups of twenty people who have gathered at someone’s home for family worship and to study the Bible. Nevertheless, they are extremely tolerant of all religious persuasions, and bigotry is almost unknown.
Most parents in Vanuatu see education as the way forward for their children, and similarly to parents everywhere they are prepared to make large sacrifices to send their children to school and university. Thus there is a pool of educated youngsters eager to push the country forward, but wanting also to retain the traditional values. It’s a great combination.
It is our hope that this free min-course of eleven “lessons” detailing different aspects of Vanuatu will equip you to make an informed decision to invest, live, or vacation here, as your circumstances permit.
At first, you may be puzzled as to why “Real Estate” is the first topic in the series. The answer is simple: the vast majority of our readers who are seeking this information are seriously considering moving to Vanuatu or investing in property in Vanuatu. The other information in lessons 2-11 is important, but this part is critical to a wise decision. So while it’s not as cool perhaps as some of the others, it is usually a dealbreaker if the property information isn’t right for you.
So read on, and…